Mandela Effect

Barack Obama at the Memorial Service for
Nelson Mandela in 2013
This phenomenon was dubbed the "Mandela Effect" by paranormal researcher Fiona Broome, who reported having vivid and detailed memories of news coverage of South African anti-Apartheid leader Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s. (Mandela actually died in 2013, after serving as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.) Broome reported that since 2010 "perhaps thousands" of other people had written online about having the same memory of Mandela's death, and she speculated that the phenomenon could be evidence of parallel realities.
Similarly, people believe this can be seen as direct proof of Time Travel, and interference/changing of past events by unkown Time Travelers, or even by self-serving experments done at the LHC run by CERN.
Famous Examples
Bernstain Bears

Berenstain or Berenstein?

Fruit of the Loom Logo Discrepancies
One of the best known examples of the Mandela Effect is related to the children's story franchise known as the "Berenstain Bears" where people claim to vividly recall it being spelled "Berenstein Bears", yet if you look for any of these books nowadays all are indeed spelled with "stain" instead of "stein".
Fruit of the Loom Logo
Another classic example being that of the famous Undergarment Company: Fruit of the Loom and their well known logo of, well, a Cornucopia filled with fruit. However, now when you look for it, there is essentially no proof of there ever being a Cornucopia to begin with and is in fact just a pile of fruit.
Other Logos/Mascots
There are quite a lot of famous logos and mascots that people seem to remember differently than they truly are either in design or the spelling of , such as Mr. Monopoly wearing a monocle, "Looney Toons" vs "Looney Tunes", "Jif" vs "Jiffy" Peanut Butter.
Misremembered Quotes
A large portion of Mandela Effect claims come from misremembered quotes or lines from movies, shows, or real life interviews and events.
Lesser Known Examples
There are also many more examples floating around the net that people swear on their lives that they remeber vividly one way, only to discover that that is not at all how it was, at least in our reality.
Unabomber Unkown

Unabomber Police Sketch
An interesting but more rare instance of the Mandela Effect, are those who claim to vividly remember that the Infamous Unabomber, was in fact never identified or captured, getting away with only the famous police Sketch and the mysterious bombings being the only proof of his Existence. They even claim to have watched documentaries in the past regarding this Unsolved Mystery. They then recall that suddenly his mugshot started appearing everywhere on the net sometime after 2016, puzzled that suddenly everyone else seems to have known about it all along and finding out that the Unabomber was in fact revelaed to be Theodore J. Kaczynski and arrested on April 3, 1996, having been in prison ever since up until his demise on June 10, 2023.